done differently

Offspring’s ethos is “see things differently” and innovation is at the heart of every series we produce. Over ten years, we have built a reputation for capturing the beauty of the natural world in fresh and surprising ways, pioneering new technology with a creative twist.

Bringing Home
Best Picture

Offspring’s Earth at Night in Colour for Apple TV+ won international acclaim for its cutting-edge approach to filming nocturnal wildlife. The series was nominated for 4 BAFTA awards including Best Cinematography, Best Audio and Best Special Effects. At the Royal Television Society Awards it won 5 accolades including Best Natural History series and Best VFX. In the US, the series was nominated for 2 Cinema Eye Awards and a prestigious Independent Documentary Award.

A career
like no other

Our team are pivotal to the success of Offspring. We know how hard they work and how passionate they are about the shows we produce. We encourage creativity, freedom of thought and inclusivity, to get the best from every member of our brilliant and dedicated team.